Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Week 37

 Dear friends and family,

I just found out I have been on my mission for 250 days today. That is
a long time! Seems so crazy. My halfway point is in a couple of weeks,
but I don't think about that so much. We are "always in the middle"
(Pres Uchtdorf)... and I don't want to think about coming home yet.
The work is going excellent out here. Harry is getting baptized this
Saturday! He is 73 and has such a cute family who will be so blessed
by this. His wife, Yaneri, is like 36 and has been less-active pretty much her
whole life until recently. She is on fire and wants to get to the
temple. They met in Honduras, where she is from, and have a 4-year-old
named Ashley who is SO cute. I LOVE their family. In the weeks leading
up to a baptism, you spend a lot of time finishing up the lessons,
checking in with them, helping them learn how to keep commandments
they struggle with, helping them prepare for the baptismal interview
and the ordinance itself, planning the baptism, getting members
fellowshipping them, taking them to the church history sites if you can, and in this
family's case, helping them pack up because they are moving soon. It
has been so fun to get to know their family. Yaneri speaks a little
English and is mostly deaf, but she is SO sweet and wants to live the
gospel with everything she has. She makes a lot of sacrifices and they
are at church EVERY week even though she doesn't hear/understand most
of what is going on. Sister Brown and I have started sitting next to
her in at least one meeting each week, writing down what the lesson
is about and answering any questions. It has been so wonderful to grow
to love them and serve them so much.
We are also working with a lot of women in the ward who have each
dealt with different hard trials in recent years and are trying to get
to the temple... either to get back there, or to go for the first
time. It has been such a blessing to feel the Lord's love for them and
to see their determination and sacrifice. I know that temple blessings
are worth ANY sacrifice, and it is wonderful to be able to work so
closely with these women in their desires to come to the House of the
Lord and to feel the Spirit and the blessings there.
Something interesting about being full-proselyting right now is that
Sister Brown and I are the only sisters in our zone. That is probably
pretty normal for most missions, but we honestly don't have that many
more elders than we do sisters, so in the North Palmyra zone for
example the elders are outnumbered. We work really closely with the
elders especially since we overlap areas with some of them, and it has
been really fun to be able to see these young men doing the Lord's
work and honoring their priesthood. The priesthood really is to serve
others, and even though these elders are young they are really
learning what it means to perform selfless service. We were blessed in
a simple way by their service this week, and I just wanted to share.
Our apartment has had one A/C unit all summer. It's in the bedroom,
which makes sleeping okay but doing anything else very warm. We have
tried getting another unit, but they aren't being sold anymore this
season I guess so we got an upright fan instead which mostly just blew
the hot air around. It was up to 86 degrees in the front room the
other day, and the elders caught wind of it. The other day, we got a
call that said they found an A/C for us and would be over in 10
minutes. It was fabulous; our apartment dropped 17 degrees in a day
and a half. We later found out that they had given us one of their
units, and that they now have a very hot front room! Despite all our
efforts to give it back, the unit is staying... but their example is
something I will remember even after it gets too cold for A/C.
Last thing. Our mission has a goal for each companionship to talk to
10 new nonmembers each day. The promise is that if we do this, we will
have 3 new investigators a week, leading to one baptism each month.
Turns out it is really hard to talk to 10/day when you have as many
appointments as we do, but we are trying by setting smaller goals to
work up to it. It has been amazing to see how the Lord blesses us as
we set goals in faith and then plan how we will accomplish them. Our
plans very rarely go through, but because we made the plans, the Lord
helps us to realize our goals. There have been many times when I know
that people have been placed in our path while on our morning run or
in line at the grocery store because the Lord knew we had desires that
we wouldn't otherwise have time to fulfill. The same thing with lesson
planning---we've had SO many lessons this week that we planned for and
ended up having to change last minute because of circumstances we had
no way of knowing about...  but because we planned, the Spirit filled
our mouths and we were able to teach with power. These experiences
have led to commitments, emotion, and progression with those we teach
that I don't know how we would have otherwise achieved. It is such a
testimony to me that He really is aware of us and that when we give
Him our all, He can magnify our efforts to what He needs.
The gospel is true! We are happy when we work hard to do the Lord's
will. I love the Book of Mormon because I know that it brings us the
strength and peace we need, no matter our situation.

Have a great week, all of you.
Love you mucho!

Your favorite sister missionary :)

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