Monday, August 20, 2012

Week 39

Dear family,

This week has been awesome. The Lord is providing us with so many miracles. It has been amazing to see that as we set goals in faith that are reasonable but stretch us, and then we work our hearts out, He really does sanctify our efforts. It was getting to the end of our week this week, and there were some goals we really wanted to reach. We ended up teaching 6 lessons in one day that we didn't have appointments for, getting referrals we didn't expect, and finding two new investigators (2 doors in a row!). One new investigator and one old one (Bill, who only needs to come to church in order to get baptized) walked into sacrament meeting on Sunday, which I have NEVER had happen, and the meeting was AWESOME for investigators (the way luck has it, we always end up talking about something super deep when they come, but not this week). We even had someone invite us over to lunch after church, which gave us the last lesson we needed to meet another goal. It was super incredible seeing the way the Lord has provided.

Things are going great with Sister Brown and I. We are on our way to the temple right now, which is exciting. We decided not to spend so much energy as we'd need to training for the half-marathon, but we are still running farther than I ever had before most mornings, so that's good. My ward mission leader is a doctor and I met with him about my reflux this week and he gave me a prescription for a different kind of histamine blocker that hopefully will work better. So doing alright there. Things are going so great and I am so happy to be a sister missionary in Buffalo!

It's a busy morning so I need to go, but thanks so much for all your love and support. And Prayers. I'm so proud of all of you and grateful for your examples of putting the best things first in life! Love you!!

Sister Schank