Okaaaay, it's been a really busy week and my time is cut this week because of the holiday so this is going to be a little bit of a whirlwind. Here goes:
-Zone conference: We had zone conference in the sacred grove and at the base of the Hill Cumorah this week. SO COOL! We got to just spend 30 minutes on our own in the Sacred Grove to pray and study and get some questions answered...highly recommended. I ended up playing More Holiness Give Me as a piano solo for the musical number, and despite my really shaky hands I did okay (big blessing!) The best part of zone conference I think was actually after it ended. My companion was worried about some things and we asked President Christianson if she could get a blessing. I came with her to kind of translate her concerns and so after her blessing, he asked if I wanted one. It was one of the most amazing blessings I've ever had. He promised me added patience (everyone who knows me knows I could always use that!) He blessed me with the gift of tongues to communicate and understand. He told me that my sins had been forgiven...I know that the sacrament really does apply the atonement to our lives, but hearing someone say that out loud has really impacted me. He also told me that I would run and not be weary and walk and not faint. This brings me to my next "point":
-Health: I hadn't been able to run more than half a mile in over a month. Until that blessing. The next morning I woke up and ran a mile and a half. Miracle! I know that all of your prayers are helping as well; thank you thank you!! I am still feeling daily pain but I am definitely functional. I had a stress test today, which is where they hook you up to a million things and then put you on a treadmill and keep increasing the speed and incline until you have to stop. Still a little sore from that, but doing okay. I talk to the cardiologist about results on Thursday. I am improving, and trying not to think about it too much.
-Sunday night fireside: Alex Boye came out and did I fireside on Sunday, and I got to go! I actually shook his hand :) It was really good; he has a lot of talent and especially a lot of passion for the gospel and the atonement.
Aaaah that time went way way too fast! Memorial day was great...and I need to go. Sorry. I love you all so much; thanks again for your prayers. I'll try to write more next week.
Love, Christa
Sister Schank has been called to serve a full-time mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Rochester, NY! This blog documents her weekly updates and photos for friends to share her mission experiences.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
Week 26
Hi friends and family!
Before I forget.....PICTURES!
Okay, most of these I think have been explained in previous emails, but let me catch you up on a few things. Baptism first. Tina got baptized on Christmas Eve and is on fire. She made a LOT of life changes, and she is awesome. She takes really great care of the missionaries. She started bringing a friend, Keith O'Neill, to church probably in February or March. So fast-forward to May. He got baptized this last Saturday, and they are getting married on Friday! It seems to have happened kind of quickly, but I am really excited for them. Tina's husband passed away 3 years ago and Keith has 4 kids but has never been married. And they will be really great for each other. Yay for weddings!
Health update next. I am still feeling varying amounts of pain on a daily basis, but there aren't really any other symptoms. I had an echocardiogram this week, which is just a fancy name for an ultrasound of your heart. It was weird but kind of cool to see my heart beating on the monitor. I saw my cardiologist Thursday, and he said that my echo, EKG, and CAT scan all came back clear. So it's not something serious like a blood clot in my lungs, or fluid around my heart or anything crazy like that. Which is good. The only bad news is that we still don't really know what's going on. He was going to send me back to my primary care physician, but I asked him about whether I was allowed to run and mentioned that running is painful. So he said there is one last test I need to take. :P It's called a stress test, and it's the one where you have to run on a treadmill... yeah, that's pretty much all I know about it. Anyway, it's next week. In the meantime, I am taking lots of ibuprofen and doing a lot of ab work and speedwalking in the mornings instead of running, or after running a short distance. So... I won't know much else for a couple of weeks.
This is going to be a big week. Not only is the wedding on Friday, but we have zone conference. In the Sacred Grove. Pretty cool, right? Well the morning half is in the Sacred Grove anyway, and then we will move to a chapel for the afternoon. And I found out this weekend that I'm the only one in the zone with musical inclination and so could I please figure out a musical number for Tuesday...by myself. Aaah! That would not be a problem if I was really good or well-practiced or anything...but as it stands, I'm a little nervous. I decided to do that piano solo of More Holiness Give Me in that little black book we made, dad. It meeds a little brushing up but is pretty simple, so hopefully it will go fine. Ha, pray for me!
I know you already are praying for me. Thank you so much. Things are going about as well as they ever have with my companionship, and with my area as well. I am loving the sites. I love you all very much and miss you, but I am so glad to be here! Gotta run. >3!!!
Before I forget.....PICTURES!
Bro. and Sis Williams (from my home ward) came to visit the Smith Farm |
The morning of my 22nd birthday (Sister Madsen made coffee cake for breakfast from SCRATCH!) |
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Me and my b-day loot |
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Me in a cute hospital gown when I got my CAT scan (CAT scans sound scary, so this picture is so you can see that I look okay and like I feel great!) |
Keith's baptism! (Sis Aiello, Sis Madsen, Sis Wall, Tina, Keith, Sis Clark, me.) |
Okay, most of these I think have been explained in previous emails, but let me catch you up on a few things. Baptism first. Tina got baptized on Christmas Eve and is on fire. She made a LOT of life changes, and she is awesome. She takes really great care of the missionaries. She started bringing a friend, Keith O'Neill, to church probably in February or March. So fast-forward to May. He got baptized this last Saturday, and they are getting married on Friday! It seems to have happened kind of quickly, but I am really excited for them. Tina's husband passed away 3 years ago and Keith has 4 kids but has never been married. And they will be really great for each other. Yay for weddings!
Health update next. I am still feeling varying amounts of pain on a daily basis, but there aren't really any other symptoms. I had an echocardiogram this week, which is just a fancy name for an ultrasound of your heart. It was weird but kind of cool to see my heart beating on the monitor. I saw my cardiologist Thursday, and he said that my echo, EKG, and CAT scan all came back clear. So it's not something serious like a blood clot in my lungs, or fluid around my heart or anything crazy like that. Which is good. The only bad news is that we still don't really know what's going on. He was going to send me back to my primary care physician, but I asked him about whether I was allowed to run and mentioned that running is painful. So he said there is one last test I need to take. :P It's called a stress test, and it's the one where you have to run on a treadmill... yeah, that's pretty much all I know about it. Anyway, it's next week. In the meantime, I am taking lots of ibuprofen and doing a lot of ab work and speedwalking in the mornings instead of running, or after running a short distance. So... I won't know much else for a couple of weeks.
This is going to be a big week. Not only is the wedding on Friday, but we have zone conference. In the Sacred Grove. Pretty cool, right? Well the morning half is in the Sacred Grove anyway, and then we will move to a chapel for the afternoon. And I found out this weekend that I'm the only one in the zone with musical inclination and so could I please figure out a musical number for Tuesday...by myself. Aaah! That would not be a problem if I was really good or well-practiced or anything...but as it stands, I'm a little nervous. I decided to do that piano solo of More Holiness Give Me in that little black book we made, dad. It meeds a little brushing up but is pretty simple, so hopefully it will go fine. Ha, pray for me!
I know you already are praying for me. Thank you so much. Things are going about as well as they ever have with my companionship, and with my area as well. I am loving the sites. I love you all very much and miss you, but I am so glad to be here! Gotta run. >3!!!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Week 25
I am emailing a little late today because we just got back from the Lilac Festival in downtown Rochester. Normally, there are hundreds of different lilac bushes in the park, but it was really warm and then froze over again this year so they were all gone. But we mostly went for the food anyway. There is this place in Rochester called Nick Tahous that coined the "garbage plate." they are very popular around here but no one makes them quite the same as Nick's. It is mac salad and home fries with hot dogs or hamburgers on top covered in a hot meat sauce, served with bread. Super greasy and bad for you, but surprisingly delicious! Nick's is in kind of a shady part of town (most people go at like 3 AM after drinking all night), so it was fun to get one at the festival in a safe environment. We also got frozen custard, yum! Tina Klein took us. She got baptized two days before I flew out to NY and she is AWESOME. She used to ride with a really crazy biker gang and was into drugs and violence and heaven knows what else, but she has really turned her life around. She actually just got engaged (she was widowed a few years ago) to one of her friends from high school, who is getting baptized into our ward on Saturday! Exciting stuff.
We taught the Franks yesterday, and it went well. Both girls that we'd taught before were there, Hailey (16) and Jamie (11). They are starting to pray and we taught them about the Book of Mormon. We also have high hopes to start teaching a JW man named Victor this week, possibly with his gf and/or adult daughter. He got disfellowshipped from the Witnesses like 12 years ago when his wife died because he kind of went off the deep end, but he's cleaned himself up a lot. He has a lot of faith, and it will be interesting to see whether he sincerely wants to learn and change. He is a really cool guy, and I like his daughter Michelle as well. I hope it works out. :)
THANK YOU all so much for your prayers. Things are going a lot better with Sister Aiello. Still stressful, but we can at least communicate with each other almost 100% of the time. MIRACLES are happening. I firmly believe that we are both being influenced by the gift of tongues, because there are a lot of times when I shouldn't be able to understand her based on what she is actually saying in English, but I somehow know what she means. Her English is improving drastically as well, and she is starting to communicate effectively with other people, which is a blessing for both of us. I can feel all of your prayers and I know that I could not do any of this without the Lord's help, so THANK YOU thank you. God is so good. :)
New York is beautiful this time of year. Not quite as green as NC, but beyond anything I've ever seen out west. Today is was abut 70 degrees and overcast, with just a little humidity. PERFECT. I am loving it. I keep catching myself saying things like "all set" and driving like a New Yorker (don't worry mom, I follow the speed limit EXACTLY.) I really like it here. :)
Oh, I had a CAT scan this week. They put you on like a gurney thing and give you an IV with contrast dye in it to expand your arteries and make your blood stand out on the scan. It is the weirdest feeling because it makes your warm everywhere, almost like you wet your pants. Then you hold your breath and they pass you through this circular thing that takes a bunch of 3D pictures of your lungs while you hold your breath. Anyway, I passed. No blood clots, hooray!
Gotta run, but I love you all so much!!! TTyl <3
Monday, May 7, 2012
Week 24
Hi everyone! First of all, soso excited to talk to my family on Sunday! Second, did you see the CES broadcast last night?! It was awesome. I am RIGHT THERE in The Sacred Grove all the time! In fact, I will be there tomorrow... I actually went on tour with Bob Parrott shortly after Elder Jensen did... sneak preview. Everyone should watch it, it made me feel a little closer to my loved ones back home to know they would get to see a little peek of a place that is so close to my heart (and physical proximity). Someday we will all have to go to the Sacred Grove together. <3
Here is the link to watch the broadcast.
My health is doing alright. I had the flu or something this week and threw up, but feeling all better from that. My cardiologist appt is Wednesday, so I will update you Sunday. So excited to talk to you then!
Last thought---we had a training this week about how angels are all around us, as well as the Holy Ghost inside us. Look for them this week! I know they are there, including grandpa.
Love you! <3
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Week 23
Well, it has been an eventful week. Let's see what I can cover:
Health: I got my hospital results back. Chest x-ray was normal.
Blood work--- low creatin and vitamin D levels. I'm on a prescription
strength weekly vitamin D pill for the next 3 weeks. Not much we can do
about creatin except drink more water (I already drink SO MUCH). I have a
"just in case" cardiology appointment on May 9.
My doctor doesn't think it's my heart, but wants to be extra sure. I am
feeling MUCH better, but still having chest discomfort. Mostly just
tightness. I'm sleeping fine and all of that, and I don't have any other
symptoms, but my mission pres' wife has banned me from running until my
appointment (probably best, but LAME). Thanks for your prayers. They
help. :)
Birthday: My birthday was excellent! I felt so celebrated :) I got
sung to many times, got to give a tour to a friend-of-a-friend at the
sites, my roommate made me coffee cake for breakfast, and I got a
package from home right on time. I had lots of cards to open and we had a
late-night birthday party complete with games,
presents, and more cake.
Transfers: Since this isn't first of the list you can probably
guess, but Sister Aiello and I are both staying in Webster for another 6
weeks. We are getting a new roommate though. Sister Wall and I have
gotten really close, so I'm REALLY sad she's leaving for Pittsford, but
we'll still see her around. Our new roommate is Sister Clark, and she
flew out with me. She is from TX and is really nice. She is probably
moving into my apartment as we speak (type?)
My area: The biggest news from my area this week is that we started
teaching the Frank family. The mom is less-active and her records
weren't even in our ward, but we learned about them from some other
missionaries and fixed that problem. She has 5 kids and a husband who
are all non-members. And we have started teaching them! Awesome :) We
are doing a lot of less-active work now that the ward is trying to
implement the Perry plan, but that's good because not only can we
strengthen members but it's a great way to find new investigators. :)
Community service: We also started volunteering at the Hope House
this week. It is a place where struggling families and individuals can
get food, clothing, etc so they don't lose their homes. It is a lot of
fun to serve in a different way, and a good way to meet people in our
I think that's about all the updates I'll have time for today, but
it's been a fun week.
Love ya all! <3
Sister Schank
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