Dear Family and Friends - Happy New Year! Tell me all about your Christmas! I'm attaching pictures of some of what we did. Christmas Eve we went to Sis Walsh's house . It was Sis mMcmanama's (companion) and Elder Guzik's (serving in my ward) birthday, so they picked lasagna for dinner and we had yummy chocolate cake. We got up on Christmas and opened presents, and then went to the Blatto's home. Sister Blatto is a member, her husband is not and her kids aren't baptized (age 9, 7, 5), but we have a great relationship with their family. We watched the kids open presents and found a few there to open ourselves, and had bacon and french toast, and that's where I skyped my family from. We were allowed to watch one movie, so we went to Sandy's house and watched Elf :) and had MORE cake. Then dinner at the Kleinleins', ham and potatoes and roasted brussels sprouts, yum. We visited some older members, Eugene and Bill, who were home alone, then back to the Kleinleins for an hour or so of games. It was an excellent holiday :) I love Christmas because everyone is so receptive to the Spirit. A couple of weeks ago, a member in the ward was sad because there had been some tragedies in his neighborhood. He asked us to go around and give copies of the Book of Mormon to all of his neighbors on his street. No big deal, right? It just so happens that he lives in a mansion, and those neighborhoods are not known for being horribly accepting of the gospel. But the elders in our district came with us to carol, and we passed out almost 20 BoMs in one night! We started going back to follow up last night, and ran into one girl (Claire) who actually wasn't home when we caroled, but who is best friends with the Kleinlein's oldest daughter and is searching for religious truth. We told her we were actually going back to their home for dinner and games tonight, and she has since been invited to join us! What a tender mercy.
Best part of the week: Got to go through the temple with Tina Klein (she got baptized in Irondequoit 2 days before I flew out here last year) and see her sealed to her deceased husband. Then that afternoon went through again with a couple in our ward here, and saw them sealed. The temple is such a blessing! I can think of no greater blessing than my covenants and my family. I love you guys!
Also, I got to give a talk at a missionary farewell yesterday. It was on how I will be a better member missionary because of what I learned on my mission. I was surprised at how much easier it is getting to speak in front of crowds, since I usually just teach small groups of people.
Please pray for the Perry family. The baptism is off and Sister Perry is back to attending the Catholic church with her boys. She is feeling really conflicted and could use your prayers. Thanks for your prayers for Scott and Kathryn; we have grown really close with them this week. It's been a rough one for both of them and for their relationship, but they are both pulling through. She got a priesthood blessing yesterday and I think it was a big testimony booster for her.
Gotta run, I love you all and hope you enjoy the new year!
With love, Sister Schank
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My Christmas tree and presents |