Monday, December 10, 2012

Week 55

Dear family,

What a remarkable week! I never cease to be amazed at the blessings of the Lord. Thank you for your prayers, especially for Sue. We attended a relief society Christmas dinner this week, and afterward she told me the she has received confirmation to move forward and work toward the temple with her family! Two days later we taught them again, and the boys are preparing to be baptized Jan 5. Scott is still off cigarettes, and the boys (especially Joshua) have made remarkable spiritual progress. It's evident in their desire and understanding. They went to Primary on Sunday even though they were a little nervous, and have been reading the scriptures on their own. They are holding their first family home evening this week and are so excited.

I also got invited to two endowment sessions and sealings for two different converts, Tina Klein and Tracy Grampp. (Tina is from Irondequoit and Tracy from Amherst). So excited!

We also got to meet with both Scott and Kathryn this week. I like Kathryn more and more. She came to all three hours of church this week and we got to go to a Christmas concert of Scott's (he's part of a Lutheran choir... beautiful! and reminded me of going to concerts with dad) and sat next to her. Please pray for Scott this week that he will have a desire to keep commandments, and Kathryn that she will recognize the truth.

We also got to bring Chris to a baptism this week, and he is praying to know if that is what God wants for him. Chris is a little slower, but loves God so much and will do anything he asks. He's been to church for a few weeks now. :) We also had an 18-year-old Mohamed come to church this week; his family is Muslim so we'll need to get him interviewed by a member of the mission presidency and he's YSA age so we probably won't teach him much anyway, but he's a very nice kid, and happy to share the gospel. We met him and his friends at a convenience store this week, and all held hands and I said a prayer RIGHT in front of this guy fixing his engine. Haha, it was a different kind of experience, but anytime a new investigator says they want to pray, we'll do it!

Nancy & Elaina also came to the Relief Society dinner, and it was awesome. They met a ton of their LDS neighbors, and want to come to church once Elaina gets a Sunday off work. We are bringing the elders with us this week because they say their house is haunted, so that will be interesting... I'm excited to start teaching them more and help them to learn and keep the commandments. :)

Oh, we contacted Jim this week and he and his wife were very nice. He wants to just watch the DVD and read some of the BoM this week and see what he thinks, so I'll get back to you on him in a week or two once we contact him again.

Just lots of little miracles this week with timing and getting appointments, little stuff like that. I know that the Lord is so aware of us, and so much a part of this work! I love you all, and hope you are enjoying the Christmas season. Remember, it is all about Jesus Christ!  

With love,
Sister Schank