Monday, February 18, 2013

Week 64

What a week! This was Sister White's last week on the mission so we got to work at all four sites, plus I went on exchange TWICE this week. It has been an adventure. Probably the best day of the week was Valentines day. I got to be companions with Sister Wall for the day up in Fairport, because we had plans to attend Tina and Keith's wedding! They are both recent(ish) converts from Irondequoit, and it was such a tender experience to be able to see everyone from that ward and to see Tina & Keith so happy. The Spirit was actually really strong, which I don't know that I expected (they were married civilly, because Keith has been a member for under a year and I expect because Tina was recently sealed to her deceased husband Bruce). It was awesome! I also got to sit in on a baptismal interview done by our mission president with one of Sister Wall's investigators that day. Her name is Jenn and I was blown away by her faith. Her husband has been a less-active member since he was a child but she decided that even though he's not fully back on board yet, she knows it's true and she's going to live it. Wow. Oh, we also had a really awesome lesson with Christine this week. She has a 17-y.o. family friend named Gabby sit in on the lesson and by the end of the night, both Christine AND Gabby had a baptismal date for March 9. She is a little nervous but she KNOWS Joseph Smith is a prophet and the Spirit has really changed her. Gabby kept saying things like "I have never felt this way before... yes, I believe everything you taught." I am excited to teach them again this week! Oh also, I think I talked maybe last week about Kristy and her daughter Abbey. Since it was Sister White's last Sunday, Kristy came to church this week (even though she'd been up all night delivering papers). The last time she was in the chapel was at her mom's funeral (her mom died like the day before she was supposed to be baptized), and she felt really close to her there. She has been studying a ton since then and is ready to really get moving to progress toward her own baptism and especially Abbey's (her own will be harder because she's living with her fiancé and their wedding date is in like 5 years. This is pretty typical of NY it seems.)

So, we have a little bit of news this week... first off I went to a GI specialist on Thursday and he said my symptoms are weird and don't directly point to reflux (which I could have told him, that's why I was at a specialist), but that it's probably not dangerous to my health since cardiac has been ruled out. Because I'm still in daily pain, he suggested I get an upper endoscopy, so I am scheduled for one of those on March 7. It sounds like a not-a-big-deal kind of procedure, and I am ready to get this figured out, so that should be good.

The other news is, I found out Wednesday night that I am training again! We have 20 missionaries coming out this transfer, and more like 30 coming out in 5 weeks, so LOTS of people will be training pretty soon. This time around, only 2 of the 20 are sisters. So my new companion is either Sister Day from AZ, or Sister Van Geenen from The Netherlands. Your guess is as good as mine! The other sister trainer is Sister Larsen; she's with Sister Wall right now so her comp is also going home, and she came out with me so we have the same amount of time left. She served with Sister Aiello in the other area of the Canandaigua ward right before I got here, so we can't really make a good guess either way. Sister Larsen and I are pretty different, so it will be interesting to see what happens once President meets our new comps (they are on a plane to NY RIGHT NOW!) Pray for them. And me :) I'm a tiny bit nervous but mostly excited. Training was really hard last time, and I still feel like I'm new to this area, but the Lord makes it work and I am excited just to get back to basics and end my mission with some serious work and missionary fire :) The Lord knows just what we need and when.

Okay, more to catch up on my area: We met with a young woman (mid-20s) named Brianna who has been less-active for the entirety of her adult life. Found out that her sister is getting married int he temple this summer and she's really upset she can't go. It is sounding like she is willing to meet with us weekly to see if she wants to change things and prepare herself to be able to go. How awesome would that be? Especially if her husband became interested... she is a really sweet girl, and the gospel would really help her raise her young family. I am excited for her :) Likewise, we taught a less-active family named Rotz last night. They are really busy but are looking for more direction and purpose in life. They know the gospel is the right way to live but are just a little overwhelmed with all of it... But the Spirit is already working on them, and they are a really wonderful family. I get the feeling I am really going to come to love and become close with them.

Love you all a million!
Sister Schank <3

Love you all a million!
Sister Schank <3

Here is a picture from a really magical day a week and a half ago in the grove. Pictures don't do it justice, but it snowed and there was no wind and it turned out to be beautiful.