Monday, November 19, 2012

Week 52

I applied as an EFY counselor today so this email will be short. The three pictures attached pretty much summarize the big parts of my week: training at the Peter Whitmer Farm, Sister McManama's first time at Niagara Falls, and took Sandy and Dawson to Palmyra (or rather, they took us). Other big news is that Scott has made some huge progression this week and is looking into being baptized once he finishes the Book of Mormon (should be by New Years at a rate of 3 chapters/day). He brought his girlfriend to church and we've started teaching him the commandments. It's been rough with the Perry family recently but we are meeting with them tomorrow and hopefully it will go well. We are teaching a couple of restoration lessons this week that I'm excited for, and... Sam has a goal to be baptized December 8! I don't know if you remember Sam; she's a single mom who we haven't been able to teach in forever but we just dropped in last night and by the end of it she had a baptismal date. I love the Plan of Salvation :) and so does she! It's amazing how she can recognize truth instantly. She really is one of those with "believing blood." Love her.

I'm excited for Thanksgiving; we hare having it with a member named Penny Walsh. Her two daughters have moved out so she's on her own and is having all 6 missionaries over for Thanksgiving dinner. I am so excited! Haven't had turkey on Thanksgiving in years! :D

I love you all and hope you are enjoying yourselves! 

Lots of love,
Sister Schank