Monday, November 12, 2012

Week 51

It has been a week of miracles out here. We went from 3 to 6 progressing investigators, which is exciting. We've been able to meet with some people who have been hit-and-miss for a long time, and it's been a blessing.

Got to visit the Palmyra sites with Bill, which was REALLY awesome. He's really starting to understand the significance of the temple. We are excited to get him there to do baptisms and also to get him going on family history in the not-too-distant future.

Scott is making a lot of progress and is recognizing his growing faith and also answers to his prayers, through the Spirit and also through dreams. He's still not sure how he feels about being baptized, but he's making progress.

We are really excited to teach the Perry family tonight about the Plan of Salvation. We are talking about how baptism is an important goal, but focusing on preparing the family for the temple. We prayed a LOT in companionship study today and are excited to invite their whole family to prepare for a Christmas Day baptism! We are hoping Brother Perry will be able to baptize his boys on that day. I love their family. :)

Things are going well with my companion. We have had really different previous mission experiences so we are still working on figuring out how to mesh everything, but we love each other and are trying our best to be unified :) We had a great zone conference this week and will be visiting Palmyra again this week with a less-active and her son (Sandy and Dawson).

The Lord is there! He's aware of us and He loves us. Thanks for all your love and support. I'm convinced you're the greatest family ever! Love you bunches :)

Sister Schank