This week has been crazy. First of all, zone conference. Our mission president is awesome, and so are our assistants and zone leaders, so zone conference was naturally also awesome. It's kind of like drinking from a spiritual fire hose for 6 hours, but it was really uplifting and good :) We also were able to take our recent converts to the sites, which was a great experience. It is so cool to testify of the restoration in the place where it all began! We were also able to attend the temple this week with the sisters in our apartment. So beautiful! What else... oh we got dropped by our one investigator the night before we were supposed to teach her. Turns out things like that seem to happen a lot. Satan is working hard to keep people from the truth! We worked at the BoM publication site Friday morning, and my friend Ann vom Lehn (from BYU) dropped by. She is leaving for her mission to Cambodia on Wednesday, and it was great to see her! I got to give her a tour, and she brought me cookies :) I have been getting questions about visitors so I talked to my mission president and here is the deal: it is against church policy for missionaries to have visitors. However, we are kind of in a special circumstance with the sites thing. I am allowed to tell you where and when I am working. If you come, I can give you a tour as long as it doesn't conflict with my normal missionary work. But when the tour is over, I'm still a missionary. So as long as those things aren't a problem and as long as it doesn't cause me to get distracted I can see you if you visit the sites here. It is supposed to be insane around pageant time and I wouldn't even be able to give you a full tour probably because I think missionaries just get assigned to stations and then tour groups move through. Hope that makes sense!
Palmyra Temple in the Winter |
Sisters Wall, Madsen, Schank and Chatterton at the temple |
Peter Whitmer Farm - where the church was officially organized on April 6, 1830. The farm and visitor's center were dedicated 150 years later as a church historic site |
visit from Ann vom Lehn (BYU friend) |
Sorry this isn't very long (again!). Someday I will write an email as long as Kenny's (okay let's be honest; probably not. He's got a talent.) :) Thanks for everything you are doing to support me out here. Love you all lots!
<3/ Christa