Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Week 8

So. This was a pretty interesting week. Remember what I said about the nice weather here? No more. We had a huge blizzard on Friday--- feet of snow. We had planned on door contacting for three hours that afternoon, but luckily President was at our apartment for something that morning and he banned us from leaving the apartment until it let up. The roads (and temperature) were too dangerous. Since then, we have had a couple of pretty cold days. We tried to leave a note for an investigator the other night and had to use a pencil because the ink in our pens had frozen. (Don't worry, my coat is very warm and I have new mittens and scarves as well as new snow boots. I'm doing okay.) It's warmer now and a lot has melted, but it was just a little reminder that yes, this is winter in NY. Our heater has apparently also been broken... we woke up yesterday and our living room was 58 degrees. I'm pretty sure my bedroom was colder. But, all fixed :) I studied this morning without my coat on.
I worked the Book of Mormon printing site for the first time this week. No one showed up for a tour, but it was still cool to see it and get behind the scenes. 

President showed up again yesterday because my roommate (Sister Cox--- she was one of my companions at the MTC) has had some health problems. We thought she was going to be fine, but found out shortly after that she is getting sent home this week! It turns out that she has a medical condition that she has dealt with for years, but that hasn't flared up since she was a teenager. The medication she needs to control it isn't allowed on the mission, so she can't stay for her personal health. So sad! It was devestating news to the whole apartment. I am really going to miss her, and she is a fabulous missionary. I am really greatful to have learned from her, and I know she is going to do a lot of good no matter where she ends up.
This leaves the rest of our apartment in a precarious position right now. Sister Wall (Sis. Cox's companion) is with her at the missionhome righ now, so we are trying to cover their appointments as well as our own. Once Sister Cox leaves, we don't know if they are going to pull another missionary from somewhere else, or just combine our areas and make us a trio, or what. Transfers are in three weeks, so whatever it is will be temporary until we get new missionaries, but it is going to be an interesting three weeks. It has been interesting to see God's hand in all of this, though. It is becoming apparent that He knew what was going to happen because both Sister Wall and Chatterton are familiar with both areas and our schedules are working out.
Some exciting news: we've been working with a less-active woman named Laurel lately. She has a really strong testimony but has health problems as well as some word of wisdom issues, so we have been working with her to help her get to her goal of the temple. She decided to quit smoking this week! She's doing great so far and we are really proud of her. :) She is such a humble woman, I really love her.  Here I am helping her flush her cigarettes.

Also, we went out last week to contact some potential investigators. Two of them lived in the same apartment complex, but both had moved. One of the new residents invited us in and we had a good chat and gave him a Book of Mormon. The other, we had woken up, but we testifies and left him with our card. We also decided to tract their buildings, and placed a couple more BoMs and pamphlets, a lot of cards, and had a good discussion with a man who was just visiting. The best part is that Dominic (the man we had woken up) texted us and said he'd like to learn more! He has a crazy schedule and we've had a hard time communicating with him, but hopefully things there will turn out well. :)
Well, I gotta run for this week, but the gospel is true! I love the Book of Mormon because through it, we can really come to know not just about Christ, but of Him. We can develop a relationship with Him and become more like Him. I'm so excited and blessed to be serving the Lord! I love you all.
<3/ Sister Schank